4 - Google Mock 进阶篇 --使用Moc 如何调用一个已经存在冒牌对象(Fake)

mac2024-05-10  4


对Foof对象里面的两个虚函数已经有一接口的Fake实现了,那么接下来google mock 如何在这么一个假冒对象基础上再实现自己的模拟呢?


1。首先: Foof类里面有两个虚函数: DoThis(), DoThat()


3。我们再创建一个:MockFoo 类继承于原始的Foof类,用gMock 来再次模拟它:关键用到:ON_CALL()宏 


4。 最后,在TEST()宏里面,可以像以前一样在你的测试中使用MockFoo。只是没有设置ON_CALL或是EXPECT_CALL()的行为期望返回值之类的期望,那Fake函数就会被调用


   当你用Google Mock来定义Mock类,你可以代理对象的默认行为给你已经有的Fake类,用

#include "pch.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "MockFoo.h" using ::testing::_; using ::testing::AtLeast; using ::testing::Invoke; class Foof { public: virtual ~Foof() {} virtual char DoThis(int n) = 0; virtual void DoThat(const char* s, int* p) = 0; }; class FakeFoof : public Foof { public: virtual char DoThis(int n) { return (n > 0) ? '+' : (n < 0) ? '-' : '0'; } virtual void DoThat(const char* s, int* p) { *p = strlen(s); } }; class MockFoof : public Foof { public: // Normal mock method definitions using Google Mock. MOCK_METHOD1(DoThis, char(int n)); MOCK_METHOD2(DoThat, void(const char* s, int* p)); // Delegates the default actions of the methods to a FakeFoo object. // This must be called *before* the custom ON_CALL() statements. void DelegateToFake() { ON_CALL(*this, DoThis(_)) .WillByDefault(Invoke(&fake_, &FakeFoof::DoThis)); ON_CALL(*this, DoThat(_, _)) .WillByDefault(Invoke(&fake_, &FakeFoof::DoThat)); } private: FakeFoof fake_; // Keeps an instance of the fake in the mock. }; //对一个已经有假冒对象的类时的方法执行gMock测试 TEST(AbcTest, DelegateToFake) { MockFoof foof; foof.DelegateToFake(); // Enables the fake for delegation. // Put your ON_CALL(foo, ...)s here, if any. // No action specified, meaning to use the default action. EXPECT_CALL(foof, DoThis(5)); EXPECT_CALL(foof, DoThat(_, _)); int n = 0; EXPECT_EQ('+', foof.DoThis(5)); // FakeFoo::DoThis() is invoked. foof.DoThat("Hi", &n); // FakeFoo::DoThat() is invoked. EXPECT_EQ(2, n); }

最终TEST()宏里面假冒的 是使用到已对FakeFoo里面的 。

