
mac2024-11-04  14


一、实验目的二、实验内容三、实验报告提出的两个问题四、开冲4.1一些注意事项4.2修改文件4.2.1修改/init/main.c4.2.2修改/kernel/printk.c4.2.3修改/kernel/fork.c4.2.4修改/kernel/sched.c4.2.4.1修改schedule()修改sys_pause()修改sleep_on和interruptible_sleep_on4.2.4.3修改wake_up()完整的sched.c文件为 4.2.5 修改/kernel/exit.c文件4.2.5.1修改do_exit()修改sys_waitpid()修改后的exit.c 4.3编写样本程序process.c跟踪进程4.4修改时间片 五、感谢












pid X time












move_to_user_mode(); if(!fork()){ init(); }

这段代码在进程0中运行,先切换到用户模式,然后在整个系统中第一次调用fork建立进程1,在进程1中调用init(). 而文件系统、描述符012是在init()中初始化的,实现代码如下:

// …… //加载文件系统 setup((void *) &drive_info); // 打开/dev/tty0,建立文件描述符0和/dev/tty0的关联 (void) open("/dev/tty0",O_RDWR,0); // 让文件描述符1也和/dev/tty0关联 (void) dup(0); // 让文件描述符2也和/dev/tty0关联 (void) dup(0); // ……

但是因为我们的日志文件的任务就是记录从开机到关机所有进程的运行轨迹,所以要尽早访问log文件。我们可以把加载文件系统、给文件描述符012建立关联以及打开log文件的代码从init中挪到main()中的move_to_user_mode();和if(!fork())的中间,修改后的main()发生的主要变化是加了下面那一段start adding 和end adding:

move_to_user_mode(); /*-------------start adding------------*/ setup((void *) &drive_info); (void) open("/dev/tty0",O_RDWR,0); (void) dup(0); (void) dup(0); (void)open("var/process.log",O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY,0666); /*---------------end adding------------*/ if (!fork()) { /* we count on this going ok */ init(); }





p = (struct task_struct *) get_free_page(); if (!p) return -EAGAIN; task[nr] = p; *p = *current; /* NOTE! this doesn't copy the supervisor stack */ p->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; p->pid = last_pid; p->father = current->pid; p->counter = p->priority; p->signal = 0; p->alarm = 0; p->leader = 0; /* process leadership doesn't inherit */ p->utime = p->stime = 0; p->cutime = p->cstime = 0; p->start_time = jiffies;


p = (struct task_struct *) get_free_page(); if (!p) return -EAGAIN; task[nr] = p; *p = *current; /* NOTE! this doesn't copy the supervisor stack */ p->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; p->pid = last_pid; p->father = current->pid; p->counter = p->priority; p->signal = 0; p->alarm = 0; p->leader = 0; /* process leadership doesn't inherit */ p->utime = p->stime = 0; p->cutime = p->cstime = 0; p->start_time = jiffies; /*修改的代码在此*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tN\t%d\n",p->pid,p->start_time); /*修改结束*/




/* * linux/kernel/fork.c * * (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds */ /* * 'fork.c' contains the help-routines for the 'fork' system call * (see also system_call.s), and some misc functions ('verify_area'). * Fork is rather simple, once you get the hang of it, but the memory * management can be a bitch. See 'mm/mm.c': 'copy_page_tables()' */ #include <errno.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <asm/segment.h> #include <asm/system.h> extern void write_verify(unsigned long address); long last_pid=0; void verify_area(void * addr,int size) { unsigned long start; start = (unsigned long) addr; size += start & 0xfff; start &= 0xfffff000; start += get_base(current->ldt[2]); while (size>0) { size -= 4096; write_verify(start); start += 4096; } } int copy_mem(int nr,struct task_struct * p) { unsigned long old_data_base,new_data_base,data_limit; unsigned long old_code_base,new_code_base,code_limit; code_limit=get_limit(0x0f); data_limit=get_limit(0x17); old_code_base = get_base(current->ldt[1]); old_data_base = get_base(current->ldt[2]); if (old_data_base != old_code_base) panic("We don't support separate I&D"); if (data_limit < code_limit) panic("Bad data_limit"); new_data_base = new_code_base = nr * 0x4000000; p->start_code = new_code_base; set_base(p->ldt[1],new_code_base); set_base(p->ldt[2],new_data_base); if (copy_page_tables(old_data_base,new_data_base,data_limit)) { printk("free_page_tables: from copy_mem\n"); free_page_tables(new_data_base,data_limit); return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } /* * Ok, this is the main fork-routine. It copies the system process * information (task[nr]) and sets up the necessary registers. It * also copies the data segment in it's entirety. */ int copy_process(int nr,long ebp,long edi,long esi,long gs,long none, long ebx,long ecx,long edx, long fs,long es,long ds, long eip,long cs,long eflags,long esp,long ss) { struct task_struct *p; int i; struct file *f; p = (struct task_struct *) get_free_page(); if (!p) return -EAGAIN; task[nr] = p; *p = *current; /* NOTE! this doesn't copy the supervisor stack */ p->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; p->pid = last_pid; p->father = current->pid; p->counter = p->priority; p->signal = 0; p->alarm = 0; p->leader = 0; /* process leadership doesn't inherit */ p->utime = p->stime = 0; p->cutime = p->cstime = 0; p->start_time = jiffies; /*create a new process*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tN\t%d\n",p->pid,p->start_time); p->tss.back_link = 0; p->tss.esp0 = PAGE_SIZE + (long) p; p->tss.ss0 = 0x10; p->tss.eip = eip; p->tss.eflags = eflags; p->tss.eax = 0; p->tss.ecx = ecx; p->tss.edx = edx; p->tss.ebx = ebx; p->tss.esp = esp; p->tss.ebp = ebp; p->tss.esi = esi; p->tss.edi = edi; p->tss.es = es & 0xffff; p->tss.cs = cs & 0xffff; p->tss.ss = ss & 0xffff; p->tss.ds = ds & 0xffff; p->tss.fs = fs & 0xffff; p->tss.gs = gs & 0xffff; p->tss.ldt = _LDT(nr); p->tss.trace_bitmap = 0x80000000; if (last_task_used_math == current) __asm__("clts ; fnsave %0"::"m" (p->tss.i387)); if (copy_mem(nr,p)) { task[nr] = NULL; free_page((long) p); return -EAGAIN; } for (i=0; i<NR_OPEN;i++) if ((f=p->filp[i])) f->f_count++; if (current->pwd) current->pwd->i_count++; if (current->root) current->root->i_count++; if (current->executable) current->executable->i_count++; set_tss_desc(gdt+(nr<<1)+FIRST_TSS_ENTRY,&(p->tss)); set_ldt_desc(gdt+(nr<<1)+FIRST_LDT_ENTRY,&(p->ldt)); p->state = TASK_RUNNING; /* do this last, just in case */ fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",p->pid,jiffies); return last_pid; } int find_empty_process(void) { int i; repeat: if ((++last_pid)<0) last_pid=1; for(i=0 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++) if (task[i] && task[i]->pid == last_pid) goto repeat; for(i=1 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++) if (!task[i]) return i; return -EAGAIN; }



void schedule(void) { int i,next,c; struct task_struct ** p; /* check alarm, wake up any interruptible tasks that have got a signal */ for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) if (*p) { if ((*p)->alarm && (*p)->alarm < jiffies) { (*p)->signal |= (1<<(SIGALRM-1)); (*p)->alarm = 0; } if (((*p)->signal & ~(_BLOCKABLE & (*p)->blocked)) && (*p)->state==TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE){ (*p)->state=TASK_RUNNING; /*add these*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",(*p)->pid,jiffies); /*end adding*/ } } /* this is the scheduler proper: */ while (1) { c = -1; next = 0; i = NR_TASKS; p = &task[NR_TASKS]; while (--i) { if (!*--p) continue; if ((*p)->state == TASK_RUNNING && (*p)->counter > c) c = (*p)->counter, next = i; } if (c) break; for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) if (*p) (*p)->counter = ((*p)->counter >> 1) + (*p)->priority; } /*add these*/ if(task[next]->pid != current->pid){ if(current->state == TASK_RUNNING){ fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); } fprintk(3,"%d\tR\t%d\n",task[next]->pid,jiffies); } /*end adding*/ switch_to(next); }修改sys_pause()

int sys_pause(void) { if(current->state!=TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; schedule(); return 0; }修改sleep_on和interruptible_sleep_on

void sleep_on(struct task_struct **p) { struct task_struct *tmp; if (!p) return; if (current == &(init_task.task)) panic("task[0] trying to sleep"); tmp = *p; *p = current; current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); schedule(); if (tmp){ fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",tmp->pid,jiffies); tmp->state=0; } } void interruptible_sleep_on(struct task_struct **p) { struct task_struct *tmp; if (!p) return; if (current == &(init_task.task)) panic("task[0] trying to sleep"); tmp=*p; *p=current; repeat: /*add*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); /*end*/ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; schedule(); if (*p && *p != current) { (**p).state=0; goto repeat; } *p=NULL; if (tmp){ tmp->state=0; fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",tmp->pid,jiffies); } }修改wake_up()

void wake_up(struct task_struct **p) { if (p && *p) { (**p).state=0; fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",(**p).pid,jiffies); *p=NULL; } }完整的sched.c文件为

/* * linux/kernel/sched.c * * (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds */ /* * 'sched.c' is the main kernel file. It contains scheduling primitives * (sleep_on, wakeup, schedule etc) as well as a number of simple system * call functions (type getpid(), which just extracts a field from * current-task */ #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/sys.h> #include <linux/fdreg.h> #include <asm/system.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/segment.h> #include <signal.h> #define _S(nr) (1<<((nr)-1)) #define _BLOCKABLE (~(_S(SIGKILL) | _S(SIGSTOP))) void show_task(int nr,struct task_struct * p) { int i,j = 4096-sizeof(struct task_struct); printk("%d: pid=%d, state=%d, ",nr,p->pid,p->state); i=0; while (i<j && !((char *)(p+1))[i]) i++; printk("%d (of %d) chars free in kernel stack\n\r",i,j); } void show_stat(void) { int i; for (i=0;i<NR_TASKS;i++) if (task[i]) show_task(i,task[i]); } #define LATCH (1193180/HZ) extern void mem_use(void); extern int timer_interrupt(void); extern int system_call(void); union task_union { struct task_struct task; char stack[PAGE_SIZE]; }; static union task_union init_task = {INIT_TASK,}; long volatile jiffies=0; long startup_time=0; struct task_struct *current = &(init_task.task); struct task_struct *last_task_used_math = NULL; struct task_struct * task[NR_TASKS] = {&(init_task.task), }; long user_stack [ PAGE_SIZE>>2 ] ; struct { long * a; short b; } stack_start = { & user_stack [PAGE_SIZE>>2] , 0x10 }; /* * 'math_state_restore()' saves the current math information in the * old math state array, and gets the new ones from the current task */ void math_state_restore() { if (last_task_used_math == current) return; __asm__("fwait"); if (last_task_used_math) { __asm__("fnsave %0"::"m" (last_task_used_math->tss.i387)); } last_task_used_math=current; if (current->used_math) { __asm__("frstor %0"::"m" (current->tss.i387)); } else { __asm__("fninit"::); current->used_math=1; } } /* * 'schedule()' is the scheduler function. This is GOOD CODE! There * probably won't be any reason to change this, as it should work well * in all circumstances (ie gives IO-bound processes good response etc). * The one thing you might take a look at is the signal-handler code here. * * NOTE!! Task 0 is the 'idle' task, which gets called when no other * tasks can run. It can not be killed, and it cannot sleep. The 'state' * information in task[0] is never used. */ void schedule(void) { int i,next,c; struct task_struct ** p; /* check alarm, wake up any interruptible tasks that have got a signal */ for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) if (*p) { if ((*p)->alarm && (*p)->alarm < jiffies) { (*p)->signal |= (1<<(SIGALRM-1)); (*p)->alarm = 0; } if (((*p)->signal & ~(_BLOCKABLE & (*p)->blocked)) && (*p)->state==TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE){ (*p)->state=TASK_RUNNING; fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",(*p)->pid,jiffies); } } /* this is the scheduler proper: */ while (1) { c = -1; next = 0; i = NR_TASKS; p = &task[NR_TASKS]; while (--i) { if (!*--p) continue; if ((*p)->state == TASK_RUNNING && (*p)->counter > c) c = (*p)->counter, next = i; } if (c) break; for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) if (*p) (*p)->counter = ((*p)->counter >> 1) + (*p)->priority; } /*add these*/ if(task[next]->pid != current->pid){ if(current->state == TASK_RUNNING){ fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); } fprintk(3,"%d\tR\t%d\n",task[next]->pid,jiffies); } /*end adding*/ switch_to(next); } int sys_pause(void) { if(current->state!=TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; schedule(); return 0; } void sleep_on(struct task_struct **p) { struct task_struct *tmp; if (!p) return; if (current == &(init_task.task)) panic("task[0] trying to sleep"); tmp = *p; *p = current; current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); schedule(); if (tmp){ fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",tmp->pid,jiffies); tmp->state=0; } } void interruptible_sleep_on(struct task_struct **p) { struct task_struct *tmp; if (!p) return; if (current == &(init_task.task)) panic("task[0] trying to sleep"); tmp=*p; *p=current; repeat: /*add*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); /*end*/ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; schedule(); if (*p && *p != current) { (**p).state=0; goto repeat; } *p=NULL; if (tmp){ tmp->state=0; fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",tmp->pid,jiffies); } } void wake_up(struct task_struct **p) { if (p && *p) { (**p).state=0; fprintk(3,"%d\tJ\t%d\n",(**p).pid,jiffies); *p=NULL; } } /* * OK, here are some floppy things that shouldn't be in the kernel * proper. They are here because the floppy needs a timer, and this * was the easiest way of doing it. */ static struct task_struct * wait_motor[4] = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; static int mon_timer[4]={0,0,0,0}; static int moff_timer[4]={0,0,0,0}; unsigned char current_DOR = 0x0C; int ticks_to_floppy_on(unsigned int nr) { extern unsigned char selected; unsigned char mask = 0x10 << nr; if (nr>3) panic("floppy_on: nr>3"); moff_timer[nr]=10000; /* 100 s = very big :-) */ cli(); /* use floppy_off to turn it off */ mask |= current_DOR; if (!selected) { mask &= 0xFC; mask |= nr; } if (mask != current_DOR) { outb(mask,FD_DOR); if ((mask ^ current_DOR) & 0xf0) mon_timer[nr] = HZ/2; else if (mon_timer[nr] < 2) mon_timer[nr] = 2; current_DOR = mask; } sti(); return mon_timer[nr]; } void floppy_on(unsigned int nr) { cli(); while (ticks_to_floppy_on(nr)) sleep_on(nr+wait_motor); sti(); } void floppy_off(unsigned int nr) { moff_timer[nr]=3*HZ; } void do_floppy_timer(void) { int i; unsigned char mask = 0x10; for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++,mask <<= 1) { if (!(mask & current_DOR)) continue; if (mon_timer[i]) { if (!--mon_timer[i]) wake_up(i+wait_motor); } else if (!moff_timer[i]) { current_DOR &= ~mask; outb(current_DOR,FD_DOR); } else moff_timer[i]--; } } #define TIME_REQUESTS 64 static struct timer_list { long jiffies; void (*fn)(); struct timer_list * next; } timer_list[TIME_REQUESTS], * next_timer = NULL; void add_timer(long jiffies, void (*fn)(void)) { struct timer_list * p; if (!fn) return; cli(); if (jiffies <= 0) (fn)(); else { for (p = timer_list ; p < timer_list + TIME_REQUESTS ; p++) if (!p->fn) break; if (p >= timer_list + TIME_REQUESTS) panic("No more time requests free"); p->fn = fn; p->jiffies = jiffies; p->next = next_timer; next_timer = p; while (p->next && p->next->jiffies < p->jiffies) { p->jiffies -= p->next->jiffies; fn = p->fn; p->fn = p->next->fn; p->next->fn = fn; jiffies = p->jiffies; p->jiffies = p->next->jiffies; p->next->jiffies = jiffies; p = p->next; } } sti(); } void do_timer(long cpl) { extern int beepcount; extern void sysbeepstop(void); if (beepcount) if (!--beepcount) sysbeepstop(); if (cpl) current->utime++; else current->stime++; if (next_timer) { next_timer->jiffies--; while (next_timer && next_timer->jiffies <= 0) { void (*fn)(void); fn = next_timer->fn; next_timer->fn = NULL; next_timer = next_timer->next; (fn)(); } } if (current_DOR & 0xf0) do_floppy_timer(); if ((--current->counter)>0) return; current->counter=0; if (!cpl) return; schedule(); } int sys_alarm(long seconds) { int old = current->alarm; if (old) old = (old - jiffies) / HZ; current->alarm = (seconds>0)?(jiffies+HZ*seconds):0; return (old); } int sys_getpid(void) { return current->pid; } int sys_getppid(void) { return current->father; } int sys_getuid(void) { return current->uid; } int sys_geteuid(void) { return current->euid; } int sys_getgid(void) { return current->gid; } int sys_getegid(void) { return current->egid; } int sys_nice(long increment) { if (current->priority-increment>0) current->priority -= increment; return 0; } void sched_init(void) { int i; struct desc_struct * p; if (sizeof(struct sigaction) != 16) panic("Struct sigaction MUST be 16 bytes"); set_tss_desc(gdt+FIRST_TSS_ENTRY,&(init_task.task.tss)); set_ldt_desc(gdt+FIRST_LDT_ENTRY,&(init_task.task.ldt)); p = gdt+2+FIRST_TSS_ENTRY; for(i=1;i<NR_TASKS;i++) { task[i] = NULL; p->a=p->b=0; p++; p->a=p->b=0; p++; } /* Clear NT, so that we won't have troubles with that later on */ __asm__("pushfl ; andl $0xffffbfff,(%esp) ; popfl"); ltr(0); lldt(0); outb_p(0x36,0x43); /* binary, mode 3, LSB/MSB, ch 0 */ outb_p(LATCH & 0xff , 0x40); /* LSB */ outb(LATCH >> 8 , 0x40); /* MSB */ set_intr_gate(0x20,&timer_interrupt); outb(inb_p(0x21)&~0x01,0x21); set_system_gate(0x80,&system_call); }

4.2.5 修改/kernel/exit.c文件修改do_exit()

int do_exit(long code) { int i; free_page_tables(get_base(current->ldt[1]),get_limit(0x0f)); free_page_tables(get_base(current->ldt[2]),get_limit(0x17)); for (i=0 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++) if (task[i] && task[i]->father == current->pid) { task[i]->father = 1; if (task[i]->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* assumption task[1] is always init */ (void) send_sig(SIGCHLD, task[1], 1); } for (i=0 ; i<NR_OPEN ; i++) if (current->filp[i]) sys_close(i); iput(current->pwd); current->pwd=NULL; iput(current->root); current->root=NULL; iput(current->executable); current->executable=NULL; if (current->leader && current->tty >= 0) tty_table[current->tty].pgrp = 0; if (last_task_used_math == current) last_task_used_math = NULL; if (current->leader) kill_session(); current->state = TASK_ZOMBIE; /*add here*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tE\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); /*end adding*/ current->exit_code = code; tell_father(current->father); schedule(); return (-1); /* just to suppress warnings */ }修改sys_waitpid()

int sys_waitpid(pid_t pid,unsigned long * stat_addr, int options) { int flag, code; struct task_struct ** p; verify_area(stat_addr,4); repeat: flag=0; for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) { if (!*p || *p == current) continue; if ((*p)->father != current->pid) continue; if (pid>0) { if ((*p)->pid != pid) continue; } else if (!pid) { if ((*p)->pgrp != current->pgrp) continue; } else if (pid != -1) { if ((*p)->pgrp != -pid) continue; } switch ((*p)->state) { case TASK_STOPPED: if (!(options & WUNTRACED)) continue; put_fs_long(0x7f,stat_addr); return (*p)->pid; case TASK_ZOMBIE: current->cutime += (*p)->utime; current->cstime += (*p)->stime; flag = (*p)->pid; code = (*p)->exit_code; release(*p); put_fs_long(code,stat_addr); return flag; default: flag=1; continue; } } if (flag) { if (options & WNOHANG) return 0; current->state=TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; /*add here*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); /*end adding*/ schedule(); if (!(current->signal &= ~(1<<(SIGCHLD-1)))) goto repeat; else return -EINTR; } return -ECHILD; }修改后的exit.c

/* * linux/kernel/exit.c * * (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds */ #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/tty.h> #include <asm/segment.h> int sys_pause(void); int sys_close(int fd); void release(struct task_struct * p) { int i; if (!p) return; for (i=1 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++) if (task[i]==p) { task[i]=NULL; free_page((long)p); schedule(); return; } panic("trying to release non-existent task"); } static inline int send_sig(long sig,struct task_struct * p,int priv) { if (!p || sig<1 || sig>32) return -EINVAL; if (priv || (current->euid==p->euid) || suser()) p->signal |= (1<<(sig-1)); else return -EPERM; return 0; } static void kill_session(void) { struct task_struct **p = NR_TASKS + task; while (--p > &FIRST_TASK) { if (*p && (*p)->session == current->session) (*p)->signal |= 1<<(SIGHUP-1); } } /* * XXX need to check permissions needed to send signals to process * groups, etc. etc. kill() permissions semantics are tricky! */ int sys_kill(int pid,int sig) { struct task_struct **p = NR_TASKS + task; int err, retval = 0; if (!pid) while (--p > &FIRST_TASK) { if (*p && (*p)->pgrp == current->pid) if ((err=send_sig(sig,*p,1))) retval = err; } else if (pid>0) while (--p > &FIRST_TASK) { if (*p && (*p)->pid == pid) if ((err=send_sig(sig,*p,0))) retval = err; } else if (pid == -1) while (--p > &FIRST_TASK) { if ((err = send_sig(sig,*p,0))) retval = err; } else while (--p > &FIRST_TASK) if (*p && (*p)->pgrp == -pid) if ((err = send_sig(sig,*p,0))) retval = err; return retval; } static void tell_father(int pid) { int i; if (pid) for (i=0;i<NR_TASKS;i++) { if (!task[i]) continue; if (task[i]->pid != pid) continue; task[i]->signal |= (1<<(SIGCHLD-1)); return; } /* if we don't find any fathers, we just release ourselves */ /* This is not really OK. Must change it to make father 1 */ printk("BAD BAD - no father found\n\r"); release(current); } int do_exit(long code) { int i; free_page_tables(get_base(current->ldt[1]),get_limit(0x0f)); free_page_tables(get_base(current->ldt[2]),get_limit(0x17)); for (i=0 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++) if (task[i] && task[i]->father == current->pid) { task[i]->father = 1; if (task[i]->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* assumption task[1] is always init */ (void) send_sig(SIGCHLD, task[1], 1); } for (i=0 ; i<NR_OPEN ; i++) if (current->filp[i]) sys_close(i); iput(current->pwd); current->pwd=NULL; iput(current->root); current->root=NULL; iput(current->executable); current->executable=NULL; if (current->leader && current->tty >= 0) tty_table[current->tty].pgrp = 0; if (last_task_used_math == current) last_task_used_math = NULL; if (current->leader) kill_session(); current->state = TASK_ZOMBIE; /*add here*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tE\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); /*end adding*/ current->exit_code = code; tell_father(current->father); schedule(); return (-1); /* just to suppress warnings */ } int sys_exit(int error_code) { return do_exit((error_code&0xff)<<8); } int sys_waitpid(pid_t pid,unsigned long * stat_addr, int options) { int flag, code; struct task_struct ** p; verify_area(stat_addr,4); repeat: flag=0; for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) { if (!*p || *p == current) continue; if ((*p)->father != current->pid) continue; if (pid>0) { if ((*p)->pid != pid) continue; } else if (!pid) { if ((*p)->pgrp != current->pgrp) continue; } else if (pid != -1) { if ((*p)->pgrp != -pid) continue; } switch ((*p)->state) { case TASK_STOPPED: if (!(options & WUNTRACED)) continue; put_fs_long(0x7f,stat_addr); return (*p)->pid; case TASK_ZOMBIE: current->cutime += (*p)->utime; current->cstime += (*p)->stime; flag = (*p)->pid; code = (*p)->exit_code; release(*p); put_fs_long(code,stat_addr); return flag; default: flag=1; continue; } } if (flag) { if (options & WNOHANG) return 0; current->state=TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; /*add here*/ fprintk(3,"%d\tW\t%d\n",current->pid,jiffies); /*end adding*/ schedule(); if (!(current->signal &= ~(1<<(SIGCHLD-1)))) goto repeat; else return -EINTR; } return -ECHILD; }



#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #define null NULL #define HZ 100 void cpuio_bound(int last, int cpu_time, int io_time); int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { pid_t pid1,pid2,pid3; pid1 = fork(); if(pid1){ printf("child1 is %d\n",pid1); } else{ printf("child1 is here\n"); cpuio_bound(5,2,1); } pid2 = fork(); if(pid2){ printf("child2 is %d\n",pid2); } else{ printf("child2 is here\n"); cpuio_bound(5,1,2); } pid3 = fork(); if(pid3){ printf("child3 is %d\n",pid3); } else{ printf("child3 is here\n"); cpuio_bound(5,4,0); } wait(null); wait(null); wait(null); printf("father is %d\n",getpid()); return 0; } void cpuio_bound(int last, int cpu_time, int io_time) { struct tms start_time, current_time; clock_t utime, stime; int sleep_time; while (last > 0) { /* CPU Burst */ times(&start_time); do { times(&current_time); utime = current_time.tms_utime - start_time.tms_utime; stime = current_time.tms_stime - start_time.tms_stime; } while ( ( (utime + stime) / HZ ) < cpu_time ); last -= cpu_time; if (last <= 0 ) break; /* IO Burst */ sleep_time=0; while (sleep_time < io_time) { sleep(1); sleep_time++; } last -= sleep_time; } }

运行结果为: 然后查看log文件: 5个状态都能输出 用.py脚本查看统计结果:




1.https://www.jianshu.com/p/8746879ab9bb 2.https://blog.csdn.net/watson2016/article/details/72230662
