python基础学习(917)——else 与with 语句

mac2024-11-14  12

else 与with 语句

1.else 语句2.with 语句  

1.else 语句

while - else 语句 list1=[x for x in range(0,100)] i,s=0,0 while i<100 : s=list1[i]+s i+=1 else: print('100以内的整数和是%d'%s)


for - else 语句 s=0 for i in range(0,100): s+=i else: print('100以内的整数和是%d'%s)


try -except - else 语句 import random try: n=[random.randint(0,100)] m=[random.randint(0,100)] x=m[0]/n[0] except ZeroDivisionError as z: print('n是零') else: print(x)


2.with 语句

with是一种上下文管理协议,常用于文件处理,可以简化try….except….finlally的处理流程。(文件打开后必须关闭,处理异常时往往需要finally 语句以关闭文件,而with 语句可以省略这一步) #with语句形式: with expression [as target ]: #target是变量或元组,用于接收expression的返回值 代码过程 #实例 try: with open('a.txt','w') as f: for lines in f : print(lines) except OSError as o: print(o)