
mac2025-01-31  27


If we are not certain about the result/consequence, we should try to look up/search the related materials to make sure.

Question: 1GB | 1 TB = **** The Dream of Red Mansions?

人民文学出版社1982年8月北京第一版 共1075000字;甲戌脂本《石头记》总字数731017个字; 戚本《石头记》约61万字;

cause and effect 因果关系

result inresult from

Laziness resulted in your failure.

Your failure resulted from laziness.

sure – certainunsure – uncertain

What's the world really like?

certainty  –  1    certain event 必然事件possibility – (0, 1)  possible event 可能事件impossibility – 0   impossible event 不可能事件

0 -- black

(0, 1) -- gray

1 -- white

(-∞, +∞) --> (0, 1)

infinity --> finity

This is a one-to-one mapping from the open interval (-∞, +∞) to the open interval (0, 1).

We are living in a world filled with probabilities.

We use the letter A to denote an event, then we can use P(A) to denote the probability of the event A.

That is to say, P(A) belongs to the closed interval [0, 1].

Open Source Platform: GitHub

measure – measurement – tools

two dimensions: quantity and quality

Length – meterMass -- kilogramTime -- second

In Python, we have an important function len() to measure the length of a string, list, tuple and dict.

1. measure the length of a string

How many letters are there in the string message?

How many times the letter 'o' occurs in the string?

Which function can be used to count the times?

It's so easy that we can use the count() function to complete the task.

If I don't know the function count() of a string, what shall I do to complete the abovementioned task?

Just now we completed the same task in different ways. -- All roads lead to Rome.

2. measure the length of a list

We can traverse the list aList in two different ways.

3. measure the length of a tuple

We can traverse the tuple aTuple in two different ways.

4. measure the length of a dict

There's only one way to traverse the dict aDict.

Number Systems


Let me demonstrate the conversion between different number systems in Python.

