
mac2022-06-30  198



my.name=xuhaixing my.age=25 my.sex=man


@Configuration //证明这是一个配置类 @PropertySource(value = {"classpath:test.properties"}, ignoreResourceNotFound = true)//可以放多个,{}里面用,分开 public class User { //可以不用set方法,直接就能注入,属于注入 @Value("${my.name}") private String name; @Value("${my.age}") private int age; @Value("${my.sex}") private String sex; public String getName() { return name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public String getSex() { return sex; } }




@RestController public class HelloController { @Autowired private User user; @RequestMapping(value = "/getUser") public String getUser() { return user.getName() + " " + user.getSex() + " " + user.getAge(); } }




@Configuration @PropertySource(value = "classpath:test.properties") @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my") //需要有set方法,prefix指明该对象中所有属性的前缀,对应文件中的属性名 public class UserPrefix { private String name; private int age; private String sex; public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public void setSex(String sex) { this.sex = sex; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public String getSex() { return sex; } }



@RestController @EnableConfigurationProperties({UserPrefix.class}) //激活配置,测试了一下,也可以没有 public class HelloPrefixController { @Autowired private UserPrefix userPrefix; @RequestMapping(value = "/getUserPrefix") public String getUserPrefix() { return userPrefix.getName() + " " + userPrefix.getSex() + " " + userPrefix.getAge(); } }





结论:这里用了@Configuration注解,所以可以去掉@EnableConfigurationProperties({UserPrefix.class}) ,测试没问题。

 三、@ConfigurationProperties 与 @Value 有什么区别呢?



@ ConfigurationProperties

@ Value功能批量注入单个注入松散绑定(松散语法)支持不支持SpEL不支持支持JSR303数据校验支持不支持复杂类型封装支持不支持


批量注入:使用 @ConfigurationProperties 与@Value 发现,@ConfigurationProperties 注解一个类或者方法就可以将所有的配置项注入到类中。而@Value 则需要将类中的每个属性注解才能读取配置项。松散绑定(松散语法):就是配置文件中的属性书写方式。 person.fullName 与类中同名 person.full-name 使用 - 替换大写 person.full_name 使用 _ 替换大写


 @Value 不支持 松散绑定,配置文件名必须和类属性名相同。否则则会报错:

Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'person.fullNname' in value "${person.fullNname}" SpEL:EL 表达式 @Value("#{11*2}") private Integer age; JSR303数据校验: @Data @Component @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "person") @Validated //JSR303数据校验 public class Person { @NotNull //不能为空 private String name; @Email // 必须为Email 格式 private String fullName; private Integer age; private List<String> list; private Map<String,String> map; private Dog dog; } person: name: xiaoming full-name: 小明 age : 11 list: -a -b -c -d map: {key1: value1,key2: value2} dog: name: tom age: 3

此时full-name并不是一个Email 格式内容,启动项目报错:

Binding to target org.springframework.boot.context.properties.bind.BindException: Failed to bind properties under 'person' to com.example.demo.entity.Person failed: Property: person.fullName Value: 小明 Origin: class path resource [application.yml]:9:14 Reason: 不是一个合法的电子邮件地址 复杂类型封装: List Map 等。

@Value 并不支持读取复杂类型的配置项。



com.zyd.type3=Springboot - @ConfigurationProperties com.zyd.title3=使用@ConfigurationProperties获取配置文件 #map com.zyd.login[username]=zhangdeshuai com.zyd.login[password]=zhenshuai com.zyd.login[callback]=http://www.flyat.cc #list com.zyd.urls[0]=http://ztool.cc com.zyd.urls[1]=http://ztool.cc/format/js com.zyd.urls[2]=http://ztool.cc/str2image com.zyd.urls[3]=http://ztool.cc/json2Entity com.zyd.urls[4]=http://ztool.cc/ua @Component @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "com.zyd") public class PropertiesConfig { public String type3; public String title3; public Map<String, String> login = new HashMap<String, String>(); public List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); public String getType3() { return type3; } public void setType3(String type3) { this.type3 = type3; } public String getTitle3() { try { return new String(title3.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return title3; } public void setTitle3(String title3) { this.title3 = title3; } public Map<String, String> getLogin() { return login; } public void setLogin(Map<String, String> login) { this.login = login; } public List<String> getUrls() { return urls; } public void setUrls(List<String> urls) { this.urls = urls; } }



@SpringBootApplication @RestController public class Applaction { @Autowired private PropertiesConfig propertiesConfig; @RequestMapping("/config") public Map<String, Object> configurationProperties() { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("type", propertiesConfig.getType3()); map.put("title", propertiesConfig.getTitle3()); map.put("login", propertiesConfig.getLogin()); map.put("urls", propertiesConfig.getUrls()); return map; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(Applaction.class); application.run(args); } }





